
New: Transsexual/Transgender Services Resource Directory

We are proud to announce the release of the International Transsexual/Transgender Services Resource Directory! Some of you may already have noticed the new links on our site. The two new links are: Resource Directory and Submit a Resource.

Resources are manually confirmed and approved on a weekly basis. If you know of any Transsexual/Transgender resources in your area (therapists, doctors, clinics, etc) please help out by submitting them via the Submit a Resource form! Every little bit helps.

New Website

We are pleased to announce that we have a new website to be the public face of the TransAdvice community. Please stay tuned for changes in the near future, there is a lot of projects still in the works. Hopefully before next year we are able to get the following project off the ground:

  • Wiki Editing Sprint
  • Trans Services Directory

In the mean time, follow us on social networking:

As always, feel free to join us on the chats :)


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